Ready to Lend a Helping Hand? Support Opportunity Village through Nevada’s Big Give

Opportunity Village is thrilled to once again be taking part in Nevada’s Big Give, a 24-hour online crowdfunding event.
Opportunity Village is thrilled to once again be taking part in Nevada’s Big Give, a 24-hour online crowdfunding event. Opportunity Village will fundraise alongside hundreds of other nonprofits statewide to gain awareness of their mission and raise much needed funding.
While the main event takes place on March 21st, donations are already being accepted on GiveGab, Nevada’s Big Give’s fundraising platform. We could use everyone’s support by helping us spread the word on social media and fundraising for Opportunity Village. Visit to make an impact today.
March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month and Opportunity Village is excited to bring awareness and raise fundraising dollars in their “March to $100k.” Nevada’s Big Give and Picks for OV: Hoops Hoopla are two fun ways for the community to give back.
By making a donation to Opportunity Village you are enhancing the lives of the nearly 2,000 adults with intellectual disabilities we serve annually.
Marty Wood, Opportunity Village