Supported Employment​

Supported Employment provides individuals with disabilities assistance in maintaining integrated competitive employment. Individuals will be employed in a competitive job that pays at or above minimum wage.

Supported Employment can include:

  • Ensuring that natural supports at the work site are secured through interaction with supervisors and staff.
  • Regular observation or supervision of the participant to reinforce and stabilize the job placement.​
  • Job-specific or job-related self-advocacy skills training. 
  • Coaching and training on job–related tasks, such as computer skills or other job-specific tasks.

Our Services ​

Opportunity Village employs individuals with disabilities 18 years of age or older. We provide supported employment services which includes but is not limited to: ​

  • Annual meeting w/set goals
  • Regular progress tracking w/monthly JDTs
  • Quarterly Progress reports
  • Liaison for communication between employee and support team
  • Available for additional support related to job performance or connection to resources
  • Additional support from supervisor based on predetermined level, amount provided at intake

  • Individualized follow up training after general onboarding
  • Case management/HR support in creating accommodations/work aids
  • Annual in-service training
  • Assistance with identifying best fit for available employment
  • Inclusion in weekly transition list to honor/facilitate movement between desired/available employment roles
  • Productivity goals, attendance, amended SOPs based on need

Our ultimate goal is to help individuals achieve community inclusion, independence, productivity for long term effective results.​